Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Statement from State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, on Executive Order to Increase Unemployment Payments Due to Hurricane Helene

Raleigh, NC
Oct 16, 2024

I concur with the Governor’s emergency executive order extending additional benefits to areas hit the hardest by Hurricane Helene. While natural disasters are nothing new in North Carolina, they always present new opportunities to learn important lessons. I recommend that the Governor, working with local, state and federal officials and agencies, resolve to more clearly define and identify areas that are most impacted by this and future disasters. That would assure that increased benefits and employer tax relief are provided to those in the greatest need. Hopefully, the U.S. Congress and the North Carolina General Assembly will take this opportunity to draft laws that will allow precision focus and immediate action to struggling disaster relief areas instead of extending response on a statewide basis.

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