In recent media interviews, Pilot Mountain Mayor Evan Cockerham has asserted that the Local Government Commission (LGC) “failed to alert us to financial discrepancies and, thus far, have offered only limited guidance.” This statement is factually inaccurate.
A majority of Local Government Commission (LGC) members veered from longstanding staff guidelines to approve an incomplete $78 million financing request from Cabarrus County at their meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12.
State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA announced today that S&P Global Ratings has affirmed its 'AAA' long-term rating on North Carolina's outstanding general obligation (GO) bonds.
On behalf of the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer I would like to extend congratulations to Treasurer-elect Brad Briner for his election as the 29th State Treasurer of North Carolina. I wish him success in his future endeavors with the Department of State Treasurer.