Thursday, June 20, 2024

Statement by State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell on Investigation Regarding Use of State Vehicles

Raleigh, NC
Jun 20, 2024

As keeper of the public purse, I have done my best to safeguard taxpayer money and to prudently use — not abuse — state resources. I learned just yesterday that a state agency investigator believed it necessary to obtain search warrants to look into use of my assigned state vehicle for the many public functions I routinely perform throughout the state, all of which are purposefully planned to accomplish the maximum job duties possible during the trips. I have tried to be very careful in following published guidance — including written communications from the N.C. Department of Administration stating that mileage logs were no longer necessary — and the instructions of our internal chief financial officer regarding the use of state vehicles. I enjoy the demanding workload, which involves much coordination to save time and money, and being accessible anytime and anywhere in the state. Staff is assisting in compiling documentation to fully answer any outstanding questions that might remain after our numerous phone calls and the records we previously submitted to the state agencies conducting the compliance audit. Once that documentation is compiled, I will have more to say.