Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Treasurer Folwell Encourages Businesses to Hire Disabled Workers to Fill Vacancies Ag Commissioner Troxler & Bandwidth CEO Morken Join Treasurer at N.C. State Fair Event Sunday

Raleigh, N.C.
Oct 19, 2021

State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, said North Carolina is in the throes of an “employment crisis” and businesses struggling to find workers should consider hiring people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Treasurer Folwell was joined by State Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler and Bandwidth CEO David Morken at the North Carolina State Fair on Sunday, Oct. 17, in observance of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (See video here). Bandwidth sponsored accessABILITY Day at the State Fair to provide a quieter environment, rides, games, entertainment stages and vendor booths to reduce distracting sensory stimulation for people with disabilities.  

“I’m honored to be here standing with these two individuals, and to draw attention to the fact that what we do most every day is advocate for the invisible. And that’s exactly what Bandwidth is doing this morning — advocating for the invisible,” Treasurer Folwell said. 

“I am grateful to the Treasurer, the Commissioner and everybody at the State Fair for making this possible. And thank you to all my 'Bandmates' who are out here taking time to volunteer around the Fair, making a special time for all families, including those who are enjoying our accessibility programs here, a place to get away from it all, and a place to enjoy it all,” Morken said. 

Treasurer Folwell used the occasion to raise awareness of the NC ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Program and the ABLE to Work Provision. For many individuals with disabilities and their families, this may be the most impactful program available. 

The NC ABLE Act was signed into law in 2015. It allows individuals with the occurrence of a disability prior to the age of 26 and their families to contribute to tax-advantaged savings accounts. Those accounts can fund essential disability services and qualified expenses without endangering means-tested eligibility for benefits such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income.   

“If not for Bandwidth and their focus on this issue about accessibility at the State Fair, this event would have never happened,” Treasurer Folwell said. “We are so pleased to be here, not only to talk about and applaud the work that Bandwidth has done, but also talk about the fact that this is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. 

“As David, Commissioner Troxler and I all know, we have an employment crisis in North Carolina. So we are eager to do anything we can do to bring attention to the fact that we have folks with developmental disabilities who make great employees, and connecting those two is very important,” Treasurer Folwell said.  

The Department of State Treasurer has partnered with The ARC of North Carolina at events across the state to highlight the value of the disabled labor pool segment. Many ARC clients are NC ABLE account holders.  

Treasurer Folwell chairs the NC ABLE Program Board of Trustees, which oversees more than $13 million in assets for nearly 1,500 account holders. The money grows tax-free and can be used for qualified disability expenses such as housing, cell phones, adaptive equipment, transportation and virtually any other item that will help to provide a better life experience. 

State Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler (middle) introduces Treasurer Dale R. Folwell (L) to Bandwidth CEO David Morken (R), during accessABILITY Day at the State Fair.

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