Monday, August 9, 2021

NC Retirement Plans Wins Two NAGDCA Leadership Awards for Excellence and Innovation

Aug 9, 2021

(Raleigh, NC) -- Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, the Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees and staff have been recognized by the National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) with two national leadership awards recognizing outstanding achievements in Technology and Interactive Multimedia and National Retirement Security Month awareness. 

As the top-scoring retirement plans in the Technology and Interactive Multimedia category, North Carolina’s Supplemental Retirement Plans (NC 401(k) and NC 457 Plans and the NC 403(b) Program) (NC Plans) has the unique honor of being eligible to receive the NAGDCA Art Caple President’s Award, to be announced on Sept. 16. 

“The NC Plans offer exceptional value and allow the public servants of North Carolina an opportunity to save for retirement and pay less for diverse investments with meaningful board oversight. Being recognized with two leadership awards in high-impact categories is a testament to the good work and collaborative relationship between the Board and staff, and individual employers and participants. This verifies our philosophy that if public servants can do it better and cheaper, they should,” Treasurer Folwell said. 

NC Plans took Technology and Interactive Multimedia to a whole new level by distributing information on a massive scale to 1,100+ participating employers and 500,000+ eligible participants using a combination of technological enhancements and an interactive communication approach. Pre-rollout numbers of engagement were steady, but modest. Post-rollout, NC Plans saw weekly engagement jump over 900%, with an increase in downloaded enrollment forms of over 750%. 

For National Retirement Security Month, NC Plans invited current and eligible employers and participants to grab a “Ticket to the Future” aboard the “Retirement Express.” NC Plans saw the highest-ever level of attendees for retirement planning education webinars, over 10,500. This campaign kick-started a momentum in attendance that continues to this day. 

The NAGDCA Annual Leadership Awards Program is designed to recognize the brightest ideas and most innovative solutions from across the industry. 

“The NC in ‘NC Plans’ of course stands for North Carolina, but it also stands for ‘Nothing Compares.’ And that’s the truth, there’s not a plan in the commercial marketplace that compares with the pricing, value and benefits these supplemental retirement savings plans offer to those that teach, protect and otherwise serve the citizens of North Carolina,” said Treasurer Folwell. 

Previously, NC Plans has been recognized with Leadership Awards for Plan Design and Administration (2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2011), Participant Education and Effective Communication (2016), Excellence in 403(b) Plans (2015), National Save for Retirement Week/Month (2021, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011), as well as a special recognition for the design and implementation of a Public Employees Online Survey. 

North Carolina's supplemental retirement plans are among the largest and lowest-cost public plans in the country. The plans are administered by the N.C. Department of State Treasurer and the Supplemental Retirement Board of Trustees, and offered by more than 1,100 public employers, including state agencies, local governments, school districts and community colleges.  

For more information see NCPlans.