Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Treasurer Folwell Celebrates Motorcycle Awareness Month Urges Motorists to be Aware of Motorcycles on the Road

Raleigh, N.C.
May 18, 2021

Started by the American Motorcyclist Association in the early 1980s, May has become the month in which motorcycle enthusiasts seek to educate drivers to be aware of motorcycles and to call attention to safety issues affecting motorcycle riding. State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, an avid motorcyclist, is asking North Carolinians to look out for motorcycles as people hit the roads for vacations this summer.

“When a car and a motorcycle come into contact it rarely turns out well for the motorcycle,” said Treasurer Folwell. “Motorists need to pay special attention for motorcycles when changing lanes, following behind a bike and always when making left turns across traffic. Motorcycle awareness isn’t about the bike itself but those that ride, many of whom teach, protect and otherwise serve.”

Motorcyclists are 27 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motorcycle crash.

Treasurer Folwell has been riding motorcycles since a young age. In fact, he was the Grand National Cross-Country national champion in 2013 as well as a two-time North Carolina state champion.

There are more than 8.5 million motorcycles registered in the U.S. In North Carolina, there are almost 200,000 motorcycles registered with more than 175,000 licensed drivers.

Treasurer Folwell noted that as we begin to travel more, and the weather gets warmer motorcycle safety is key. Both motorcyclists and automobile drivers need to practice good safety habits and be considerate of each other, he added.

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