Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Treasurer Folwell’s Statement on Governor Cooper’s Department of Transportation’s Secretary’s Resignation

Raleigh, N.C.
Feb 4, 2020

My calling for the Governor to replace Secretary Trogdon was never personal. It was, however, about the need for change at the top of an organization that has lost its financial way.

Just last week, the Governor’s Department of Transportation (DOT) asked for another $100 million from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) to overcome February shortages. This is in addition to the over $2 billion in overspending last year including more than $1 billion taken from the HTF. 

On behalf of taxpayers, DOT employees and contractors, we look forward to working with Mr. Boyette to bring DOT out of the multibillion-dollar ditch that it has dug over the last 16 months. Only through an accurate accounting of the money that has been spent, and will be spent, can we ensure a stable road building program while still maintaining the state’s coveted “AAA” credit rating.

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