Thursday, September 7, 2017

Media Advisory Treasurer Folwell to Host September "Ask Me Anything" Session

​Final Bond Refinancing Reduces Debt Service Costs by $133 million
Raleigh, N.C.
Sep 7, 2017

On Tuesday, September 12, 2017, North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, will hold an “Ask Me Anything” session for members of the media. These monthly calls are an opportunity for reporters across the state to ask anything about the department’s initiatives including the Retirement Systems Division, State Health Plan, State and Local Government Finance Division, or the Unclaimed Property Fund. 

Since the last call, the third and final refunding of bonds was completed with a total amount refinanced of more than $1 billion, resulting in the reduction of debt service costs by more than $133 million; the North Carolina Retirement Systems reported significantly increased efficiencies including an 87 percent reduction in the time it takes a retirement application to be processed; and the State Health Plan (SHP) continues to process the information from its Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit while it prepares for Open Enrollment for 2018.

What:               Treasurer Folwell’s September “Ask Me Anything”
When:              Tuesday, September 12, 2017, at 10:00 AM 
How:                1-877-336-1828 Access Code: 8129850
RSVP:              Email: 

Following its conclusion, full audio of the session, as well as select video highlights, will be made available on If you’d like to participate, please RSVP to ensure that time is allotted for your questions.

Audio of previous installments of the Treasurer’s “Ask Me Anything” calls are available here: (July 2017August 2017)

Potential topics for this month’s session include:

  1. Third and final bond refunding completed saving $133 million in debt service costs. http://twstest.dstdmz.local/inside-the-department/News-Room/press-releases/Pages/Final-Bond-Sale-Puts-Total-Savings-For-North-Carolina-At-133-Million.aspx
  2. Treasurer Folwell Announces Increased Efficiencies in North Carolina Retirement Systems. http://twstest.dstdmz.local/inside-the-department/News-Room/press-releases/Pages/Treasurer-Folwell-Announces-Increased-Efficiencies-in-North-Carolina-Retirement-Systems.aspx
  3. State Health Plan ongoing Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit and preparations for Open Enrollment.

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