LOGOS Support

The following resources are provided for users of the LOGOS System and for users of reporting tools offered by the State and Local Government Finance Division.

Questions? Contact LOGOS@nctreasurer.com or 919-814-4300.

Tab/Accordion Items

The County and Municipal Fiscal Analysis benchmarking tool is a management tool that helps local governments in North Carolina analyze and communicate their financial condition. The web-based dashboard on County and Municipal Fiscal Analysis is the result of a collaborative effort between the Department of State Treasurer and the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A link to the dashboard is provided below, along with important information about the system.

Questions on the benchmarking tool should be directed to SLGFD@nctreasurer.com.

Benchmarking Tool

How Model was Developed

How Indicators are Calculated

How to Create a Dashboard

How to Interpret Results

The LGC-203 Report (Semi-Annual Report of Cash and Investments) is submitted by local governments twice each year via the online LOGOS system. A link to LOGOS is provided below, along with important resources for the LGC-203 report.


LGC-203 Resources

How to Submit Your "In Progress" LGC-203 Report