The North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency

The North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency (NCCFFA) provides the benefits of tax-exempt financing to non-profit institutions providing elementary and secondary education, private institutions of higher education, and various other entities for special purpose projects serving a public interest.​​


Meetings begin at 1:00PM unless otherwise noted. NCCFFA members and staff, and units appearing on the agenda may choose to attend the meeting on-site; however, others wishing to attend should participate via the GoToWebinar link below. Issues registering for or connecting to the meeting should be reported to

Date Meeting Materials Meeting Audio
January 9, 2024 – August 6, 2024:  no meeting today    
September 10, 2024    
October 1, 2024    
November 12, 2024    
December 3, 2024    
Agenda Archives    
Tab/Accordion Items

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency Annual Reports

2023 Report

2022 Report

2021 Report

2020 Report

2019 Report

Resolution Providing Guidance to Staff Regarding Acceptable Final Maturity Guidelines for Institutions of Higher Education Seeking to Issue Revenue Bonds Through the NCCFFA - Aug. 7, 2012

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