Local Government ARPA Resources

Resources on This Page

This page was created in March of 2020 to provide a means for LGC staff to share and communicate important and new information on topics related to COVID and local government finance.  We've retained that information on this page for reference, but have also added additional information on ARPA funds and related guidance. We hope that this information is helpful to our local governments in North Carolina, but please reach out to our staff if you have any questions.

Contact Us

Questions on the information listed on this page or on any topics related to the work of the State and Local Government Finance Division and the LGC Staff can be directed to SLGFD@nctreasurer.com.  We also encourage you to sign up to receive alerts when new topics are posted to the LGC Staff Blog.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Information and Resources

North Carolina Resources

U.S. Treasury Resources and Guidance

LGC Staff Blogs

UNC Coates' Canons Blogs

CARES Act Information and Resources

Information on Coronavirus Relief Funds
The new NC Pandemic Recovery Office (NC PRO) now has a website with application forms and information, including a comprehensive FAQ for counties regarding their CRF distributions.  County officials should direct questions to ncpro@osbm.nc.gov. 

See also a new SOG Coates' Canons blog post on using county CRF funds to support small businesses. 

LGC Blog Posts

Other Resources

Information for Water/Wastewater Systems

Please note that the resources listed below discuss a variety of issues related to water/wastewater systems; some of the content may no longer be applicable following the issuance of Executive Order No. 124.

Ad-Valorem Taxes


Financial Reporting and Auditing

  • Disclosure Information:  Visit our Continuing Disclosure webpage for guidance for local governments that are issuers of municipal debt.
  • GASB's Emergency Toolbox: a good resource to help you identify reporting considerations needed for your 2020 and potentially 2021 financial reporting

Employment and Leave Issues for Local Government

FEMA and Procurement Guidance

Public Meetings and Hearings

Resources accessed from this page should not be relied upon as legal advice or as official policy of the Department of State Treasurer, State and Local Government Finance Division, or the Local Government Commission. Note that due to the rapidly changing information and guidance available, resources may not be accurate at the time of access. DST and SLGFD are not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the content of any external website.