Hurricane Helene

Staff of the Local Government Commission, along with staff of the entire Department of State Treasurer, extend our thoughts to everyone in western North Carolina and all those impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene. This webpage is provided to offer information and resources for local governments impacted by the storm. We will continue to update the page as we have more information to share.

Questions for LGC staff related to LGC reporting requirements and deadlines for units impacted by Hurricane Helene? Contact

LGC Due Dates
LGC staff wants to provide as much support as we can to local governments impacted by the storm and as much flexibility as possible related to LGC reporting deadlines. Given that our western communities must first focus on addressing critical basic needs and that the circumstances in each community are so varied, we don’t believe that establishing arbitrary dates as due date “extensions” is the best approach.

Instead, we ask that local governments and public authorities impacted by the storm contact our Coach Team at to discuss concerns related to your interactions with the LGC including audit reports, AFIRs, LGC-203s, debt applications, debt payment confirmations, etc. We will work with each unit to determine how we can best support them and provide flexibility in their reporting requirements.

See LGC reporting requirements and due dates here.

Department of State Treasurer Cashflow Loan Program – Updated as of February 7, 2025

Information on the cashflow loan program administered by the Department of State Treasurer is available in the memos below. Please note that neither the LGC nor LGC staff is involved in administration of the program and any questions regarding the program should be directed as indicated in the memo.

State Cashflow Loans for Disaster Response Activities Memo dated February 7, 2025

State Cashflow Loans for Disaster Response Activities Memo dated January 30, 2025

LGC Approval of Loans – Updated as of January 30, 2025

  • LGC approval will NOT be required for DEQ/DWI revolving fund emergency loans authorized by G.S. 159G-33(a)(4) and G.S. 159G-34(a)(4) and issued in accordance with Section 10.1.(b)(1) of Session Law 2024-51, as amended by  Session Law 2024-53, Section 4C.4., that are issued to local governments located in the counties included in any Hurricane Helene federal major disaster declaration. This exemption to the LGC approval required by G.S. 159G-40 was enacted by The Disaster Recovery Act of 2024 - Part II (Session Law 2024-53, Section 4C.6.)
  • Emergency bridge loans authorized in The Disaster Recovery Act of 2024 - Part II (Session Law 2024-53, Section 4C.7.) through the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Infrastructure for emergency repairs to water and wastewater systems ARE NOT subject to LGC approval because of the exception in G.S. 159-148(b).
  • Cashflow loans authorized in the Disaster Recovery Act of 2024 - Part II (Session Law 2024-53, Section 4E.5.(a) as amended by Session Law 2024-57,  Section  1F.1) ARE NOT subject to LGC approval because of the exception specified therein.

If/as other emergency loans are authorized, updates will be provided to this section as needed.

Units impacted by Hurricane Helene should direct any questions for LGC staff to