Audit Report

Document Name
Firefighters and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund Disclosure Amounts
Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund disclosure amounts
Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund Disclosure Amounts
Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund Disclosure Amounts
Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund Disclosure Amounts
Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund disclosure amounts
Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund Disclosure Amounts REVISED
GASB 68 Reporting Disclosures for the Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017
GASB Statement 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans, and GASB Statement 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions
GASB Statement 72, Fair Value Measurement and Application
GASB Statement No. 53 PowerPoint Presentation (Supplement to Memo 2010-18)
GASB Statement No. 53, Accounting and Reporting for Derivative Instruments
GASB Statement No. 54 Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions - Part 1 - Fund Type Definitions [Revised]
GASB Statement No. 54 Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions - Part 2 - Components of Fund Balance [Revised]
GASB Statement No. 88 - Certain Disclosures Related to Debt, including Direct Borrowings and Direct Placements
GASB Statement No. 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements
Guidance for Auditing Supplementary Information
How to Respond to Financial Performance Indicators of Concern (FPICs)
Impact of County Net Asset Deficits for School Debt Upon Bond Ratings
Opioid Settlement Funds: Auditing and Compliance Reporting