The Local Government Commission



About the Local Government Commission

The North Carolina Local Government Commission was created in 1931 by North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 159 to address issues in local government finance that arose during the Great Depression. In the 80+ years since, the LGC has provided consistent financial oversight for over 1,100 units of local government, resulting in significant benefits to taxpayers, policymakers, and our communities.

Read more about the LGC


Meetings are held in the Longleaf Building/Dogwood Conference Room, 3200 Atlantic Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27604, unless otherwise noted. Meetings begin at 1:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LGC commission members, LGC staff, and units appearing on the agenda may choose to attend the meeting on-site; however, others wishing to attend should participate via the GoToWebinar link below. Issues registering for or connecting to the meeting should be reported to Note that all meeting minutes below are final and have been approved by a vote of the Commission. If a quorum of the full Commission is not present, the Executive Committee of the Local Government Commission may meet to conduct the business of this agenda.

Date Agenda Minutes Meeting Audio
June 4, 2024
June 10, 2024
5:30 pm – Cliffside Sanitary District Budget Hearing
June 10, 2024
6:00 pm – Kingstown Budget Hearing
June 10, 2024
7:00 pm – Spring Lake Budget Hearing
June 24, 2024 
1:30 pm – Special Meeting of the LGC – Budget Presentation and Adoption 
July 9, 2024   Audio**
August 6, 2024
September 10, 2024      
October 1, 2024      
November 12, 2024      
December 3, 2024      

*A 7-minute recess was taken during the June 2024 LGC meeting. The audio stops at approximately 2 hours 8 minutes into the recording and resumes at approximately 2 hours 15 minutes into the recording.

**At 4:51 p.m. (approximately 3 hours 21 minutes into the meeting), the audio recording was interrupted. Between 3 and 4 minutes of the discussion are missing; the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.


Audio recordings of LGC meetings are posted as soon as practicable but typically within five business days of the meeting date.

Meeting Archives

Tab/Accordion Items

On April 4, 2023, the Local Government Commission adopted an updated “Policy on Public Participation in LGC Meetings.” 

Pursuant to this policy, members of the  public may provide written comments on any agenda item before the Commission prior to the meeting at which the matter will be considered. The policy requires that written comments be submitted via an online form. A form for comments is available at the link below.

Submit Written Comments

Please note: Unless otherwise made exempt from disclosure by law, communication to LGC staff, including written comments related to items considered by the Commission, via the portal or other means of communication, is subject to disclosure under North Carolina's Public Records statutes, N.C. Gen. Stat. Chap. 132.

Please refer to the Policy on Public Participation in LGC Meetings for all details and requirements related to submission of public comments. 

Questions on this policy or form should be directed to LGC staff at