2021 Compliance Supplement Section B - Federal Programs
Agency Matrix for Federal Programs
Matrix of compliance supplements, applicable requirements, and subgranting agencies.
2021 Supplement Library
Tab/Accordion Items
10.551-CL | Food and Nutrition Services Administrative Matching Grants for Food and Nutrition Program |
10.553-CL | State School Nutrition Program |
10.555 | Food Distribution |
10.557 | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) |
10.558 | Child & Adult Care Food Program |
10.559 | Summer Food Service Program for Children |
10.565 | Commodity Supplemental Food Program |
10.568-2CL | Emergency Food Assistance Program |
10.691 | Cove Creek: Good Neighbor Agreement |
17.235 | Senior Community Service Employment Program Title V |
17.258-1CL | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act |
20.106 | State Block Grant Program |
20.205-1CL | Highway Planning, Research & Construction Cluster (Construction and Maintenance) |
20.205-2 | Enhancement Programs: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) |
20.205-4 | Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Enhancement Programs: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFEA LU), MAP 21 |
20.205-5 | Metropolitan Planning Program from State Planning and Research |
20.205-7 | Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) |
20.205-8 | State Planning and Research |
20.219 | Recreational Traits Program |
20.319 | High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service |
20.505 | Metropolitan Planning Program/State Planning and Research 49 U.S.C. 5303 and 5304 |
20.507 | Federal Transit - Formula Grants (Urbanized Area Formula Program) |
20.509 | Community Transportation Program (Public Transportation for Nonurbanized Areas) |
20.513CL | Transit Service Programs |
20.526 | Bus and Bus Facilities |
20.600-2CL | Governor's Highway Safety Program |
81.042 | Weatherization Assistance Program for Low Income Persons |
84.010-1 | Title 1 Grants to LEAs - Basic and Concentration (PRC 50) |
84.010-2 | Title 1 School Improvement (105) |
84.011 | Education of Migratory Children (PRC 051) |
84.013 | Title I, Part D Grants to State Agencies and Local Educational Agencies |
84.027-CL | IDEA, Part B (611) (PRC 060), IDEA, Part B (619) PreSchool (PRC 049), Coordinated Early Intervening Services (PRC 070), Risk Pool (PRC 114), Special Needs Targeted Assistance (PRC 118), Preschool Targeted Assistance (PRC 119) |
84.048 | Career and Technical Educations - (PRC17) Fe |
84.181-2-CL | North Carolina Infant Toddler Program |
84.196 | Education for Homeless Children and Youth (PRC 26) |
84.287 | 21st Century Community Learning Centers (PRC 110) |
84.323 | NC State Improvement Project (PRC 82) |
84.358-2 | Rural and Low-Income Schools (PRC 109) |
84.365 | English Language Acquisition (PRC 104 & 111) |
84.367 | Supporting Effective Instruction (PRC 103) |
84.377 | Title 1 School Improvement (PRC 117) |
84.424 | Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants (PRC 108) |
84.425-1 | CARES Act - K-12 Emergency Relief Fund (PRC 163) |
84.425-2 | Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund |
90.404 | HAVA CARES Act Grant |
Special Programs for the Aging – Title VII, Chapter 3 – Programs for Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation | |
Special Programs for the Aging – Title VII, Chapter 2 – Long Term Care Ombudsman Services for Older Individuals | |
Special Programs for the Aging - Title III - D Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services | |
Aging Cluster - Special Programs for the Aging Title III-B Supportive Services and Senior Centers; Special Programs for the Aging - Title III-C Nutrition Services; Nutrition Services Incentive Program | |
Family Caregiver Support Program Title III-E | |
NC Public Health Preparedness and Response | |
Personal Responsibility Education Program | |
System of Care Expansion Implementation | |
93.110-1 | NC Maternal Mental Health MATTERS (Making Access to Treatment, Evaluation, Resources & Screening Better) Program |
93.110-2 | NC Maternal Health Innovation Program |
Project Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Tuberculosis Control Programs | |
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) | |
Family Planning | |
NC Farmworker Health | |
Traumatic Brain Injury Services (TBI State Demonstration Grant | |
Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program | |
Rural Hospital Assistance Program / Critical Access Hospital Network Development | |
Prescription Drug Prevention (SPX-RX) Partnership for Success (SPF-PRS) | |
Medication - Assisted Treatment - Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) Access to Recovery (ATR) | |
NC Healthy Transitions for Youth and Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Illness | |
Pregnant and Post-Partum Women | |
93.243-5 | Promoting Integration of Primary BHC (PIPBHC) |
93.268-1 | Immunization Program / Aid to County Funding |
93.268-2 | CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program / Aid to County Funding |
Rural Hospital Assistance Program / Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program | |
93.435 | NC Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention Health |
WISEWOMAN Project | |
Healthy Families American Home Visiting | |
Nurse Family Partnership | |
Promoting Safe and Stable Families | |
Special Children Adoption Fund (A/K/A Adoption Promotion Program Fund) | |
NC Pre-Kindergarten Program (TANF) | |
Work First Program | |
NC Child Support Enforcement Section | |
Refugee and Entrant Assistance Cluster | |
Weatherization Assistance Program and Heating and Air Repair and Replacement Program | |
Low-Income Energy Assistance/Crisis Intervention Program (and COVID-19 funding) | |
Community Services Block Grant Program | |
Child Care Quality and Availability | |
Subsidized Child Care Program | |
Community Based Child Abuse Prevention Program | |
NC Access and Visitation Program | |
NC LINKS-Educational Training Vouchers F | |
NC Council on Developmental Disabilities | |
Reinvestment of Civil Money Penalties to Benefit Nursing Home Residents/North Carolina Cultural Change Coalition Enhancements Grants | |
Permanency Planning | |
Adoption Assistance Program IV-B | |
Title IV-E Maximization Program and State Funds | |
Foster Care, Adoption, and Guardianship Assistance Program |
TANF Transfer to Social Services Block Grant | |
Special Children Adoption Incentive Fund | |
State In-Home Services Fund | |
State Adult Day Care Fund | |
Mental Health, intellectual, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services | |
Child Abuse and Neglect Grants | |
NC Links Program | |
Health Choice | |
Medical Assistance | |
Eligibility Review Document - Medicaid / NC Health Choice | |
Attachment - Eligibility Review Document | |
Medicaid Eligibility Finding Results – revised 5/25/2021 | |
Medicaid and NC Health Choice Eligibility: Auditor’s Guide to COVID-19 PHE Policy (PowerPoint) | |
93.778-1e | CPA Auditor’s Guide to COVID-19 Medicaid Eligibility Determinations 5.25.2021 (recorded presentation) |
93.778-1f | CPA Single Audit Medicaid Overview 6/6/2019 (PowerPoint) |
Sickle Cell Patient Services | |
State Targted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grant | |
North Carolina Healthcare Preparedness Program Ebola Preparedness and Response Activity Part A | |
North Carolina Healthcare Preparedness Program | |
NC Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program | |
Ryan White Program | |
Healthy Start Baby Love Plus Community | |
HIV State Funds; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Communicable Disease Expansion | |
Mental Health Services | |
93.958-2 | Education Services in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities |
Substance Abuse Services | |
Substance Abuse Prevention | |
93.982 | Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program - Hope for NC Disaster Mental Health Services |
Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant | |
93.994-3 | Healthy Mothers/Healthy Children |
93.994-5 | Genetic Health Care Program |
Shift NC-Sexual Health Initiative For Teens | |
Family Strengthening Initiative: Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) | |
93.994-16 | School Nurse Funding Initiative |
Nurse Family Partnership | |
Kenneth C. Royall, Jr. Children’s Vision Screening Improvement Program | |
93.994-21 | Perinatal/Neonatal Outreach Coordinator (PNOC) Program |
Healthy Mothers/Healthy Children | |
Genetic Health Care Program |
97.029 | N.C. Mitigation (Flood Mitigation Assistance) |
97.032 | FEMA-Assistance Listing Crisis Counseling |
97.036 | Public Assistance Program |
97.039 | N.C. Mitigation (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) |
97.047-1 | N.C. Mitigation (Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program) |
97.047-2 | N.C. Mitigation - BRIC: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program |
97.067 | Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) |