Late Audits as of April 1

Updated April 1, 2024

An important note regarding audits that are not submitted to the LGC by April 1:

If you are a county or municipality - 
Session Law 2023-59 requires that the LGC send a notice to all counties and municipalities that have not submitted an audit report by April 1. If a county or municipality does not submit an audit report by July 1, the LGC may direct the withholding of a portion of the unit’s sales tax distributions. Counties and municipalities may appeal this action. Please see details on this webpage.

If you are a county, municipality, or utility district  -
Counties, municipalities, and utility districts that do not submit a fiscal year 2023 audit report to the LGC by April 1 may, but will not automatically, be included on the Unit Assistance List. Failure to submit an audit report by April 1 is just one of many factors LGC staff uses to determine inclusion on the Unit Assistance List.  The Unit Assistance List based on fiscal year 2023 audited financial statement data will be updated after the initial publication to determine if units that submit audit reports after April 1 should remain on the list due to their assessment scores. More information on the new UAL will be shared and posted in late April.

Questions? Please email