Updated DIWs for Some Unit Types

The following issues with Data Input Workbooks (DIWs) have been identified and corrected.

  • Municipality C-E Data Input, question 952 on the “Unit Data from Audit Worksheet”: a conditional formatting error was preventing a date on or before 6/30/2023 from being entered.
  • Tourism Development Authority 2023 Data Input, questions 947-952 on the “Unit Data from Audit Worksheet”: these questions were being populated with test data.    

Both of these issues have been corrected and the revised DIWs for these unit types, along with DIWs for other unit types and resources related to audit, contract, and invoice submission are available at Submitting Your 2023 Audit.

Please let us know if you have any questions - (919) 814-4300 or SLGFD@nctreasurer.com.