Updated DIWs for Some Municipalities

The following FY2023 Data Input Workbooks (DIWs) have been updated to correct an error in formatting of the fund balance available graph – the graph was displaying the value as a decimal and has been corrected to display the value as a percentage. All other DIWs are unaffected by this error.

    Municipality Mi-P
    Municipality R-Sp
    Municipality St-Z

**Units using these DIWs should download the revised files so that this issue is corrected. If you have already started data entry, please send your DIW to SLGFD@nctreasurer.com and we can correct the formatting for you. **

FY2023 Data Input Workbooks and other resources related to audit, contract, and invoice submission are available at Submitting Your 2023 Audit | NC Treasurer.

Please let us know if you have any questions - 919-814-4300 or SLGFD@nctreasurer.com.