2020 Audit Reports: Resources and Important Announcements

Resources and instructions for submission of 2020 audit reports are now available on our Submitting Your Audit webpage.

Important - There are several significant and important changes this year to the Data Input Workbooks and the Transmittal Document (TD). Local governments and their auditors will need to understand these changes because they will be impacted by them.

Data Input Workbook

  • Data collected on the Data Input Workbook is now “self-reported.” Beginning with audit reports submitted June 30, 2020, we will not be verifying the reported data. Increased workloads and limited resources prohibit us from continuing this long-standing data verification practice. This move to self-reported data is a critical change in reporting that cannot be overemphasized. The NC General Assembly and various other groups depend on local governmental data; therefore, we urge local governments and their auditors to carefully report accurate data. *Local government finance officers will be required to verify in the Data Input Workbook that the amounts reported reflect the final amounts in their audited financial statements.
  • New questions documenting the unit’s compliance with General Statue 159-25 are included. These questions allow the staff of the LGC to ensure that our records are current and to determine if units are aware of and in compliance with their statutory responsibilities so that we can better assist and meet the needs of all local governments and public authorities.
  • The most recent versions of the data input workbooks were posted on the website on August 27. If you downloaded a previous version, please use the updated data input workbooks that are currently available on the website as revisions have made to the instructions and the “Unit Data from Audit” worksheet. If you have already submitted a data input workbook, you do not have to resubmit.                   
  • Data Input Workbooks and instructions are available here.

Transmittal Document (TD)

  • This year, for the first time, the TD is an Excel workbook and not a PDF document.
  • We have added questions to the 2020 TD to assist our team in routing the audit report through the 2020 revised review process which uses a risk-based approach that will help us work more efficiently. You can access the new TD here.

Note that because of these new changes, there are also updates to the resubmission process for audit reports that have been reissued and for changes to Data Input Worksheets. Please see those details here.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or for any guidance on the audit submission and review process or any of the changes detailed above. SLGFD@nctreasurer.com or 919-814-4299.