Upcoming Debt Payments - Cash Flow Concerns

Public utility systems have undoubtedly taken a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic, be it from businesses reducing hours or shutting down, or from the temporary ban on enforcing collections or both. In addition, some units may be dealing with a reduced workforce to manage their systems. All of these challenges may be a cause for concern with your May (SRF) and June (USDA) debt payments that are due soon. If you think you may have difficulty making your May SRF payment, please contact Jennifer House at DEQ as soon as you practically can. In addition, please contact us at the SLGFD. If you think you may have difficulty making your June USDA payment, please contact your local office or Dennis Delong or Julia Johnson at the state office at (919) 873-2046. Again, please contact us at the SLGFD as well. We can be reached at (919) 814-4300 or at slgfd@nctreasurer.com

We encourage you to think through your potential cash flow challenges beyond these two approaching payment dates, since most of these programs have another round of payments due again in November (SRF) when cash levels may be even more negatively impacted than they are at this time. Please contact DEQ or USDA as noted above and as applicable, and SLGFD as soon as you anticipate issues making any of your payments (including those other than SRF and USDA) so that we may best assist you.

As with the initial loan execution, any changes to your debt payment schedules will need to be approved by the LGC. 

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at slgfd@nctreasurer.com or (919) 814-4300.